How My Journey Started Into Web3

Social Media Examiner podcast started it off

I am driving back home with my daughter and trying to find a podcast that would interest both of us. We decided upon Social Media Examiner since we both can relate to the topics discussed and are interested in what we would learn next.

I listened, and throughout that podcast, I became more and more intrigued with the concept and knew I had to jump in now.

Mike Stelzner, the podcaster, interviewed Joe Pulizzi. They discussed the Web3 world, social tokens, and how businesses can start adapting to the new concepts.

Reward with social tokens

After the podcast, my daughter and I discussed all the possibilities within Web3. Here are the points that struck a chord the most:

  1. Web3 gives content creators, artists, and business owners control. At any time, the big company platforms can shut down, change the rules or block anyone anytime. All those followers belong to the platform and not with the creators. Web3 changes that business model.

  2. Memberships or ownerships are represented by social tokens or NFTs. These are directly tied to the individual and are transparent. Creating a one-of-a-kind piece of art is clearly defined by the person who made it. Knock-offs or copies can easily be discovered.

  3. You can sell your token or NFT to someone else, thus creating more value for everyone. Plus, the new owner of the NFT or token won’t have to go through the hassle of finding the website, signing up, create a password and account. Their digital wallet automatically does that for you.

  4. Web3 is here, and the excitement is building. I want to be an early adaptor. I don’t want to be late to the game and confused about how to start when everyone else is already there.

Buying $TILT

What did we do next? We bought $TILT coin as soon as we got home. It has been fun experimenting and discovering things along the way. Joe Pulizzi has since rewarded me with additional coins and has provided exclusive benefits and perks to those who own a certain amount of $TILT.

A benefit of owning $TILT is that as long as you hold it, you will receive rewards in the form of $RLY coin. Each time you get a $RLY reward, you should convert it to $TILT to continue supporting and receiving even more $RLY. In other words, reinvest your dividends.

The opportunity

I see where this is going, and spreading the word has been challenging because the subject is deep and complicated. My goal is to make it straightforward so that it is easy to be ahead of the crowd and not the one confused at the end.

The creative and imaginative opportunities are vast and evolving. It is so worth the effort of learning.


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