Social Tokens are the New Loyalty Programs for Small Business

Building community is challenging our current environment

Social media, advertising, and other media companies want to grab as much attention as possible from the most significant amount of people. As consumers, we experience information overload and feel lost in a sea of noise. We all love things for free, but at what cost?

As we experience the new technology, we will move towards a decentralized experience where we are all rewarded. It is up to us to search out what is important and what brings us value.

We want quality over quantity. The number of likes, views, and clicks lacks substance. Our consumer behavior is moving away from disposable to sustainable. Clients and customers that understand our mission, trust our products and care about the people that built the business.

In the future, those businesses will start the conversation and form a place where a relationship can be built.

Main Street small business

Think about the mom-and-pop store on Main Street. While the customers may come for that special blueberry muffin, they continue to return because they know the owners. They see their friends gather at tables around the cafe. They enjoy the connection and the friendly space.

A special meeting place

Selling coffee and baked goods can be as simple as making it, advertising it for sale, and exchanging it for money from a hungry person. But it is more than that.

It is valuable because it was made with the finest ingredients and attention to detail. It is sold in a cafe where the decor is welcoming and clean.

The servers are friendly and welcoming. The owners chat with the customers and know everyone’s name. It is always busy, and there is a line out the door when that warm batch of muffins is first placed in the glass case.

Introducing the social token

Cafe visitors can be rewarded and support this business through the power of tokens. They can be bought, sold, traded, and gifted. Because there is a limited amount, they can be in demand and thus bring more value to the owners.

This is community capitalism.

Think of the possibilities. Holders of the tokens could have access to that unique set of tables by the window. They may receive a free cup of coffee with their muffin. They could attend live VIP music events on Friday nights with other token holders.

When these token holders experience this special treatment, they tell others. They want their friends and family to experience all of this as well.

The longer you hold onto your token, the more benefits they bring. As the availability becomes more difficult to come by due to its popularity, the more demand and, thus, higher value.

Is it time to get started?

It is easy to recommend your favorite small business. With social tokens, this will be magnified.

We are still very early with the mass adoption of digital wallets and accepting cryptocurrency as payment. But we do have experience with loyalty programs and memberships.

With social tokens you are creating the same type of loyalty program that encourages customers to return but with added value.

It will take some effort to establish and educate this new type of marketing into small business. Adding social tokens can be the next step into the Web3 world for early adopters who are ready.


These 5 podcasts will open your mind to possibilities for your business in this new digital age of Web3.


Need proof? Here's how you can easily create digital tokens to certify attendance with HeyLayer's Multipass.